Response to Trump’s plan to evacuate Gaza. | HTMedia | إعلاميات حزب التحرير

The people of Gaza have spoken loud and clear, They will not accept any proposal that involves explusionfrom thier land.  They will not tolerate another Nakba.Nothing is hidden to this ummah any more.  Every summit, every accord, every deal every plan ...

the, people, of, gaza, have, spoken, loud, and, clear, they, will, not, accept, any, proposal, that, involves, explusionfrom, thier, land,  , they, will, not, tolerate, another, nakba, nothing, is, hidden, to, this, ummah, any, more,  , every, summit

Response to Trump’s plan to evacuate Gaza.

إعجابات: 0 (0%)
نشر بواسطة: OsAdmin | التاريخ: 02/07/2025 | المشاهدات: 2

The people of Gaza have spoken loud and clear, They will not accept any proposal that involves explusion
from thier land.  They will not tolerate another Nakba.
Nothing is hidden to this ummah any more.  Every summit, every accord, every "deal" every plan , is an instrument
towards the zio state moving to acquire everything from the nile to the euphrates.
let us not mince words.  We are at a critical moment that will change the sykes picot frame work.
The US is known by its history.  They ethnically cleansed the Native Americans from there land, and will do the same
to everyone living between the nile and the euphrates.
To the Muslims in America, do not fall for alternative strategies, that aimed to punish one party over another.  
or Abandon a Candidate to court favor of a different party.
It is clear that both administrations were working together throughout the transition to excute this plan.
We must learn the system of Allah , Islam, and its Khiafah and use our postition to teach it to the Muslims globally
to unite under the leader ship of the khilafah.
Haitham Ibn Thbait

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