الأمة تنتفض من جديد وتتحدى الطغاة ! فلسطين تغلي تحت أقدام المحتلين خطبة جمعة للأستاذ منذر عبد الله / كوبنهاجن الجمعة 10 ربيع الثاني 1444 هـ الموافق 04 تشرين ثاني 2022م
In a world where seeking the guidance of the Creator is replaced with seeking self-benefit, we see problem after problem manifest as a result. Be that the tragic crisis of mental health globally, or an ever-increasing social, economic and racial divide...
Be it work, play, family or friends - or a fear of being blacklisted in our communities - we as Muslims, should never find reasons not to rush to the commands of Allah (swt)!