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(مقاطع الفيديو: 7) [موبايل]

موبايل, , مقاطع الفيديو, 7



مقاطع الفيديو

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  • بواسطة: techtn
    التاريخ: 09/30/2019
    المشاهدات: 0
    Hakeem Ehsan Jegranvi, advocate of Khilafah in Pakistan, interviewed on television because the oppressive regime is taxing the Hukamaa' as well.
    • بواسطة: techtn
      التاريخ: 05/12/2019
      المشاهدات: 2
      The PTI Experiment Collapses. If it is not now time for Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood, then when?!Within just nine months of the PTI experiment, Pakistan is in turmoil after a major cabinet reshuffle on 18 April 2019.The newly broug...
      • بواسطة: techtn
        التاريخ: 05/12/2019
        المشاهدات: 0
        Demand the Release of Engineer Naveed Butt, Advocate of Khilafah, Who Remains in Abduction since 11 May 2012#FreeNaveedButt خلافت کے داعی انجینئر نوید بٹ کی رہائی کا مطالبہ کریں جو 11مئی 2012 سے حکومتی ایجنسیوں کی قید میں ہیں۔11 May 2019 marks seven ye...
        • بواسطة: techtn
          التاريخ: 05/01/2019
          المشاهدات: 1
          Free Naveed Butt#FreeNaveedButtEngineer Naveed Butt, the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Pakistan has been held in abduction, since Friday 11 May 2012, when he was seized in front of his children and neighbours by security offici...
          • بواسطة: techtn
            التاريخ: 04/28/2019
            المشاهدات: 0
            Since the Fall of Our Khilafah on 28 Rajab 1342, what has the UmmahSeen of Good and what has it Suffered of Calamities?!رجب 1342 ہجری کو خلافت کے خاتمے بعد، کیا امت نے خیر کا مشاہدہ کیا یاصرف مصائب ہی اس پر پہاڑ کی طرح ٹوٹے !#Khilafah4PakistanThe Khila...
            • بواسطة: techtn
              التاريخ: 04/28/2019
              المشاهدات: 0
              RasulAllah (saaw) said, مَنْ أَعْمَرَ أَرْضًا لَيْسَتْ لأَحَدٍ فَهْوَ أَحَقُّ “The one who cultivated a barren land, not previously owned, is the most deserving to own it” (Bukhari) Accordingly, anyone can own a land if he cultivates a barren land that...
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