This Ramadan, It is Time for Liberation (Tahrir) from Military Colonialismفي رمضانَ هذا العام، حان وقتُ التحرُّر مِن الاستعمار العسكري! ذكرت وكالة رويترز في 21 شباط/ فبراير 2025 أن «الولايات المتحدة أفرجت عن 397 مليون دولار لدعم برنامجٍ عسكري في باكس...
As Ramadhan the Month of Victories Approaches, Let the Ummah and Its Armies Confront the Oppressive American World OrderBetween 7 and 11 February 2025, many navies of Muslims are participating in the Aman-25 exercise in Karachi, Pakistan, whose stated ...
The Hindu State is Martyring the Mujahideen in Occupied Kashmir after the Pakistani State Abandoned ThemOn 31 January 2025, the Indian Army confirmed that it had killed two mujahideen near the Line of Control during an “infiltration” attempt. The Pakis...
O Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ! Your Armies Are Strong Enough. Order Them to Uproot the Agent RulersIn its report “Military Aircraft Fleet Strength by Country (2025),” Global Firepower states that Pakistan has the seventh strongest military aircraft fleet in th...
The Ceasefire in Gaza Did not End the Brutal Occupation of the Blessed Land of PalestineOn 16 January 2025, the Prime Minister of Pakistan tweeted, “The people of Pakistan join me in welcoming the announcement of the long awaited ceasefire in Palestine...
The Abduction of Naveed Butt Confirms that the Rulers of Muslims Prevent AccountabilityA total of 379 missing persons cases were submitted to the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances (COIOED) in 2024, according to media reports on 7 January...
Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the cultural colonialization of the lands of the Muslims. يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّحْرِيرِ الاسْتِعْمَارَ الثَّقَافِيَّ لِبِلَادِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ.حزب التحریر مسلمانوں کی زمینوں پر استعمار کی ثقافت کو مسترد کرتی ہے۔يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَ...
Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the political colonialization of the lands of Muslims. يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّحْرِيرِ الاسْتِعْمَارَ السِّيَاسِيَّ لِأَرَاضِي الْمُسْلِمِينَ.حزب التحریر اسلام کی بنیاد پر مسلمانوں کی سرزمینوں کو سیاسی طور پر یکجا کرنے کا مطالبہ کرت...
يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّحْرِيرِ الاسْتِعْمَارَ العَسْكَرِيَّ لِأَرَاضِي المُسْلِمِينَ. Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the military colonialization of the lands of Muslims.حزب التحریر مسلمانوں کی زمینوں پر استعماری فوجی غلبے کو مسترد کرتی ہے۔يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّح...
Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the economic colonialization of the lands of Muslims.يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّحْرِيرِ الاسْتِعْمَارَ الْاِقْتِصَادِيَّ لِبِلَادِ الْمُسْلِمِينَحزب التحریر مسلمانوں کی زمینوں میں استعماری معیشت کو مسترد کرتی ہے۔يَرْفُضُ حِزْبُ التَّحْ...