The people of Gaza have spoken loud and clear, They will not accept any proposal that involves explusionfrom thier land. They will not tolerate another Nakba.Nothing is hidden to this ummah any more. Every summit, every accord, every deal every plan ...
The underlying intentions of Zionism have been laid bare, and its actual proponents have been unmasked. We must acknowledge that our efforts need to concentrate on the establishment of the Khilafah. Let Gaza's sacrifice be a lesson to advance the Isla...
احتفالاً بسقوط النظام الأسدي كلمة للأستاذ منذر عبد الله في وقفة لحزب التحرير في كوبنهاجن - الدنماركالأحد 06 جمادى الآخرة 1446 هـ الموافق 08 كانون أول 2024م
Voting Strategies fail to influence a System that is inherently Corrupt. We must chart a political path based on the Aqeedah of islam.It’s time we reflect, if we keep playing by their rules we can’t expect anything other than deception and disappointme...