In a world where seeking the guidance of the Creator is replaced with seeking self-benefit, we see problem after problem manifest as a result. Be that the tragic crisis of mental health globally, or an ever-increasing social, economic and racial divide...
Be it work, play, family or friends - or a fear of being blacklisted in our communities - we as Muslims, should never find reasons not to rush to the commands of Allah (swt)!
مع وجود الكراهية والانقسام واللوم من الوطنية بشكل واضح في المجتمعات الغربية، و كذلك يمكننا أن نرى كيف تأثر العالم الإسلامي بهذا المرض المسبب للانقسام. https://youtu.be/ik_pvLV4t00
With the hate, division and blame from nationalism being ever-apparent within Western societies, we can see how the Muslim world has also been affected by such a divisive disease.
كيف لعالم يملك فيه ستة و عشرون شخصا ثروة تساوي ما يملكه ثلاثة مليارات و نصف المليار شخص - نصف سكان العالم - و يرى هذا كأمر عادي؟! حرّم الإسلام الربا و الاحتكار و النظام الذي يجعل النخبة تعيش في رفاهية و رخاء بينما تعيش الأغلبية في شقاء و شدة.
How can a world where 26 individuals hold as much wealth as 3.5 billion people - half of the world's population - be seen as normal?! Islam forbids interest, hoarding and a system where a tiny elite live in luxury and the masses are left with mere scr...
هذي خلافتناد. غازي سليم Khilafah conference 2019
The Danish Government Continues to Facilitate Abuses against Islam and Muslims despite the Harmful Effects on SocietyThe riots in Copenhagen, Sunday, 14 April 2019, with burning barricades and clashes with police in combat gear, broke out after the pol...
On the back of a Youth Conference held in Birmingham last week regarding the rise of Britains Knife Crime issue, we sat down with one of the speakers Shahid Haque to discuss the reasons for knife crime, the false solutions offered and how Muslims shoul...