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  • بواسطة: techtn
    التاريخ: 08/13/2019
    المشاهدات: 0
    Yazar Muhammed Emin Yıldırım'ın Köklü Değişim Medya tarafından Hicri 1440 Ramazan ayında düzenlenen Ramazan Uyanış Zamanı başlıklı kampanya için vermiş olduğu video mesaj...#RamazanUyanışZamanı
    • بواسطة: techtn
      التاريخ: 06/24/2019
      المشاهدات: 0
      In a world where seeking the guidance of the Creator is replaced with seeking self-benefit, we see problem after problem manifest as a result. Be that the tragic crisis of mental health globally, or an ever-increasing social, economic and racial divide...
      • بواسطة: techtn
        التاريخ: 06/24/2019
        المشاهدات: 0
        With the hate, division and blame from nationalism being ever-apparent within Western societies, we can see how the Muslim world has also been affected by such a divisive disease.
        • بواسطة: techtn
          التاريخ: 06/24/2019
          المشاهدات: 0
          How can a world where 26 individuals hold as much wealth as 3.5 billion people - half of the world's population - be seen as normal?! Islam forbids interest, hoarding and a system where a tiny elite live in luxury and the masses are left with mere scr...