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بحث, مقاطع الفيديو, النتائج, butt

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  • بواسطة: techtn
    التاريخ: 06/30/2021
    المشاهدات: 0
    Delegation to Pakistans embassy - Free Naveed ButtDescription:Hizb ut Tahrir Sweden sent a delegation to the Pakistani embassy to leave a letter demanding that the Pakistani authorities release our noble brother, Naveed Butt, media representative for H...
    • بواسطة: techtn
      التاريخ: 05/12/2019
      المشاهدات: 0
      Demand the Release of Engineer Naveed Butt, Advocate of Khilafah, Who Remains in Abduction since 11 May 2012#FreeNaveedButt خلافت کے داعی انجینئر نوید بٹ کی رہائی کا مطالبہ کریں جو 11مئی 2012 سے حکومتی ایجنسیوں کی قید میں ہیں۔11 May 2019 marks seven ye...
      • بواسطة: techtn
        التاريخ: 05/01/2019
        المشاهدات: 1
        Free Naveed Butt#FreeNaveedButtEngineer Naveed Butt, the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Pakistan has been held in abduction, since Friday 11 May 2012, when he was seized in front of his children and neighbours by security offici...