The Danish Government Continues to Facilitate Abuses against Islam and Muslims despite the Harmful Effects on SocietyThe riots in Copenhagen, Sunday, 14 April 2019, with burning barricades and clashes with police in combat gear, broke out after the pol...
On the back of a Youth Conference held in Birmingham last week regarding the rise of Britains Knife Crime issue, we sat down with one of the speakers Shahid Haque to discuss the reasons for knife crime, the false solutions offered and how Muslims shoul...
UDDRAG FRA DANSK TALE (KHUTBA) PÅ CHRISTIANSBORG SLOTSPLADS[...] Lad jer ikke blive ført bag lyset af de hadefulde politikere. De lyver for jer, når de fremstiller Islam som en trussel for jer. De ønsker at lede jer og kontrollere jer gennem frygt. Vi ...
[...] Fordi de ikke har formået at besejre Islams tanker og værdier intellektuelt, vælger de i stedet at sprede løgne, propaganda og had imod os. [...]Af Iman AwedHizb ut-Tahrir Skandinavienhttp://hizb-ut-tahrir.dkhttp://facebook.com/htskandinavientwit...
Delegation to Chinese embassy in Copenhagen regards to the crimes committed by the Chinese government against the Muslims in East Turkistan Hizb ut Tahrir Skandinavienhttp://hizb-ut-tahrir.dkhttp://facebook.com/htskandinavientwitter.com/hizbscandinavia
Subscribe to Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain Youtube for future episodes.Available on Soundcloud: Instagram: Ht_britainTwitter: @hizbuttahrirFacebook: Hizb ut Tahrir Britain
Speech by sister Iman Awed in front of the Danish parliament regarding the cowardly terrorist attack in New ZealandFriday 22-03-2019قناة الواقية: انحياز إلى مبدأ الأمة @قناة الواقية #قناة_الواقيةwww.alwaqiyah.tv | facebook.com/alwaqiyahtv | alwaqiyahtv...
اعتصام حزب التحرير أمام مجلس النواب الدنماركي تنديداً بمذبحة نيوزيلاندا22/03/2019